Which of your guests have the most muscle? You’ll find out during the baby shower tug-of-war game.

Players take turns drawing a slip of paper from the jar and acting it out.Divide your baby shower guests into two teams.Baby-related words or phrases written on slips of paper.Guests can get pretty creative when acting out different phrases, which leads to lots of laughs at your party. The rest of the group has to guess what you’re trying to say.
Act out different baby-related words and phrases without talking. Let your body do the talking with the baby shower charades game. Whichever guest changes and reclothes their baby doll first is the winner.Each competitor must remove their baby’s shoes and pants, change the diaper, then reclothe the baby doll.Blindfold competitors, then tell them to start changing their baby’s diaper.Place a baby doll and diaper in front of each competitor.Set up a table or another flat surface on which guests can change diapers.Two or more baby dolls dressed in pants, shirts, and shoes.While mushed fruit might not be so bad, (cold) squishy peas and carrots are a bit of a different story! You’re almost certain to hear belly laughs as guests watch the expressions of those trying different baby foods. Say “aahhhh!” The baby food tasting game tests your guests’ taste buds to see who can guess what they’re eating. Whoever guesses the most chocolate bars correctly is the winner.During gameplay, ask the guests to smell and look at the chocolate to try and determine which type is in each diaper.Put each diaper in the microwave for 20 seconds or until the chocolate is gooey.Write down which type of chocolate you put in each diaper.Put a piece of each chocolate bar in a separate diaper.Five different types of chocolate bars (preferably some with nuts, caramel, and other distinguishable ingredients).But the dirty diaper game makes it fun by replacing poo with delicious chocolate! This hilarious baby shower game is perfect for a coed shower to see which guests are grossed out by the chocolate-filled diapers. Looking at dirty diapers is typically something people dread. The individual or group who knocks over the most pins is the winner.The guest will roll the ball toward the pins hoping to knock them over.Give the participating guest a small ball.Arrange 10 baby bottles in a triangle similar to bowling pins.Baby bottles (optionally filled with water).This game will have your guests laughing as they try to knock over the small targets. Break your group into teams, or play individually. Fill the bottles with water to make them more stable and a bit more challenging to knock down. Guests use a small ball to knock down baby bottles set up like bowling pins. Test your aiming skills with baby bottle bowling. Baby Shower Games with Scoreboards, Give Prizes! Build Your Shower.Send Unlimited Matching Invites and Updates.
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